Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will: The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds: Php 1:15-16
Motives of the Heart
Motives of the Heart
Some, indeed, preach Christ even of envy. The motives of all preachers are not pure. Some still preach Christ, full of envy for other preachers, and some from a love of strife. Those envious of Paul were probably Judaizing Christians.
The one preach Christ from contention. Not from sincere love of the gospel, but from a factious spirit. While preaching, they sought to undermine Paul's influence, supposing to add affliction to his bonds. For an illustration of this class, read the first and second chapters of Galatians, The other of love. These are the true and earnest preachers. They knew that Paul was not sent to Rome because he was an evil doer, but because he was set for the defense of the gospel. God had sent him there to preach it.
What then? So anxious is he to have Christ preached, that, whatever may be the motives of men, whether their zeal is only a pretense or in truth, still if only Christ is preached, he will rejoice. This is not a sanction of a false gospel (see Gal_1:8), nor of the men themselves, but rejoicing, if by any means the knowledge of Christ is spread. How different this glorious unselfishness, and greatness of spirit, from the narrowness of those who higgle over "plans" and forbid "those who walk not with them!"
(B.W. Johnson)
Personal Note: Over the 40+yrs. of being in ministry in different areas, I've come across these contentious situations numerous times. The causes were varied- dealing with people's competition, ambition to reach a pinnacle in ministry, jealousy, wanting attention, the list can go on much further. It's one of the greatest reasons I disobeyed the Lord's call on my life for 10 years, I knew this would be a major problem and didn't want to be involved with it, and didn't want the problems that go on with these kinds of people. But, the Lord wouldn't leave me, and sent three people to tell me that I was called, who I had never met before within a short period of time-and I came under such conviction, I finally said yes, and then asking "Ok, where do you want me to start?" He's been leading me on since then.
My heart and focus through the years has been very narrow, finding His will, and staying on that path, wherever it led. I've had a glimpse of what Paul dealt with. People make many wrong assumptions, and criticisms, and attacks - when they've never met me, or spent any time talking with me. I've come to realize how much ministry today is run by people who's main interest is in "self". If you pay attention, you can see through the facades and well rehearsed scripts these people use as a pattern in their ministries, because they know it draws the people to listen to them. The gospel of Christ, is not in it. The underlying theme throughout their performances, is centered on themselves, and their achievements. I know there are many sincere pastors and ministries, and know everyone isn't in it for themselves, but, it is a major problem in churches, and causes a lot of problems.
I'll make this short statement- I can assure you, I envy nothing your doing, or have gained. I have no desire to compete with you, on any level. Whatever your doing for the Lord, you will find no problems from me. I have enough to deal with right here, minding my own business.
Since creating and maintaining these two websites, and the work and research it takes to continue to develop them, some of the remarks has made it clear, that most people have no idea how much work, research, and monitoring it takes. Other's attitudes are, that whatever your doing, they can do more, and do it better. I'm criticized for not allowing comments-the reason for this is, I refuse to deal with the vile, vulgar language, profanity, and insults that I've dealt with, when I allowed them. If this means less people comes here, that's something I'm willing to accept. I pray about every aspect of doing this and believe this is what I'm to do. Boundaries have to be made, on what is going to be allowed here.
As for the content I select-this is a major subject of prayer. I post links at times of teachers/preachers that I respect, and know are reputable on both websites. I create many of the scripture graphics for both of them, and inspirational content, such as poems, music, and devotions of varied subject matter. The blogs that are posted are of serious material that are maintained and new material is added to them regularly. God's intention for these websites is to be a place that first: lifts up the Name of Jesus Christ as Lord, and provides the best teachings/inspiration/devotions I can produce and provide. To also provide resources on health and other subjects, and information on important prophetic information, and world news that links to bible prophecy, as it unfolds. As a watchman, this is a matter of a lot of prayer, and research, that takes up a lot of my time. It's because of this-that I do not have the time to waste traveling the roads to conferences, church events, and entertainments as I did for many years when I was involved in church functions. If I did, I'd never have enough time to do the research and add the content on these websites. By the way, my other website is
This is a full time ministry, and God has made it clear how He wants it done, and what He wants here. I'm taking His direction very seriously, because He's shown me the purpose of this, and I intend to fulfill what I'm asked to do. People may misunderstand, but, I'm not going to waste time trying to explain, or please people. It's impossible to make everyone happy. God's purposes for this, is what matters. The short devotion to close this below-explains my attitude very well, it's how I feel about my life, and this work at this time in my life.
Lorna Couillard
The one preach Christ from contention. Not from sincere love of the gospel, but from a factious spirit. While preaching, they sought to undermine Paul's influence, supposing to add affliction to his bonds. For an illustration of this class, read the first and second chapters of Galatians, The other of love. These are the true and earnest preachers. They knew that Paul was not sent to Rome because he was an evil doer, but because he was set for the defense of the gospel. God had sent him there to preach it.
What then? So anxious is he to have Christ preached, that, whatever may be the motives of men, whether their zeal is only a pretense or in truth, still if only Christ is preached, he will rejoice. This is not a sanction of a false gospel (see Gal_1:8), nor of the men themselves, but rejoicing, if by any means the knowledge of Christ is spread. How different this glorious unselfishness, and greatness of spirit, from the narrowness of those who higgle over "plans" and forbid "those who walk not with them!"
(B.W. Johnson)
Personal Note: Over the 40+yrs. of being in ministry in different areas, I've come across these contentious situations numerous times. The causes were varied- dealing with people's competition, ambition to reach a pinnacle in ministry, jealousy, wanting attention, the list can go on much further. It's one of the greatest reasons I disobeyed the Lord's call on my life for 10 years, I knew this would be a major problem and didn't want to be involved with it, and didn't want the problems that go on with these kinds of people. But, the Lord wouldn't leave me, and sent three people to tell me that I was called, who I had never met before within a short period of time-and I came under such conviction, I finally said yes, and then asking "Ok, where do you want me to start?" He's been leading me on since then.
My heart and focus through the years has been very narrow, finding His will, and staying on that path, wherever it led. I've had a glimpse of what Paul dealt with. People make many wrong assumptions, and criticisms, and attacks - when they've never met me, or spent any time talking with me. I've come to realize how much ministry today is run by people who's main interest is in "self". If you pay attention, you can see through the facades and well rehearsed scripts these people use as a pattern in their ministries, because they know it draws the people to listen to them. The gospel of Christ, is not in it. The underlying theme throughout their performances, is centered on themselves, and their achievements. I know there are many sincere pastors and ministries, and know everyone isn't in it for themselves, but, it is a major problem in churches, and causes a lot of problems.
I'll make this short statement- I can assure you, I envy nothing your doing, or have gained. I have no desire to compete with you, on any level. Whatever your doing for the Lord, you will find no problems from me. I have enough to deal with right here, minding my own business.
Since creating and maintaining these two websites, and the work and research it takes to continue to develop them, some of the remarks has made it clear, that most people have no idea how much work, research, and monitoring it takes. Other's attitudes are, that whatever your doing, they can do more, and do it better. I'm criticized for not allowing comments-the reason for this is, I refuse to deal with the vile, vulgar language, profanity, and insults that I've dealt with, when I allowed them. If this means less people comes here, that's something I'm willing to accept. I pray about every aspect of doing this and believe this is what I'm to do. Boundaries have to be made, on what is going to be allowed here.
As for the content I select-this is a major subject of prayer. I post links at times of teachers/preachers that I respect, and know are reputable on both websites. I create many of the scripture graphics for both of them, and inspirational content, such as poems, music, and devotions of varied subject matter. The blogs that are posted are of serious material that are maintained and new material is added to them regularly. God's intention for these websites is to be a place that first: lifts up the Name of Jesus Christ as Lord, and provides the best teachings/inspiration/devotions I can produce and provide. To also provide resources on health and other subjects, and information on important prophetic information, and world news that links to bible prophecy, as it unfolds. As a watchman, this is a matter of a lot of prayer, and research, that takes up a lot of my time. It's because of this-that I do not have the time to waste traveling the roads to conferences, church events, and entertainments as I did for many years when I was involved in church functions. If I did, I'd never have enough time to do the research and add the content on these websites. By the way, my other website is
This is a full time ministry, and God has made it clear how He wants it done, and what He wants here. I'm taking His direction very seriously, because He's shown me the purpose of this, and I intend to fulfill what I'm asked to do. People may misunderstand, but, I'm not going to waste time trying to explain, or please people. It's impossible to make everyone happy. God's purposes for this, is what matters. The short devotion to close this below-explains my attitude very well, it's how I feel about my life, and this work at this time in my life.
Lorna Couillard
It was a matter of comparative indifference to Paul what happened to himself so long as the gospel progressed, because the extension of the gospel meant the growing glory of Jesus. He was quite content to be in bonds, if only by his chains he might gain access to new realms, hitherto untrodden, for proclaiming his Lord. He could even view with composure the envy and strife of some, if Jesus might be named to those who had never heard of Him, He was prepared to live or to die, that Jesus might be magnified. He was willing to remain for a little longer outside of heaven, if that would better serve the cause he loved. His main argument for consistency of life on the part of his converts was that the success of the gospel might not be impeded. It seemed good to suffer, if only it were on the behalf of Christ. Oh, that we might experience a similar absorption in the great interests of the gospel.
It is clear from this paragraph that death is not an unconscious sleep. It is gain. It is a loosing from anchorage so that the soul may go forth on the broad ocean of God’s love. It does not interrupt our conscious fellowship with the Lord. The moment of absence here is the moment of presence there. To die is therefore gain. (F.B. Meyer)
It is clear from this paragraph that death is not an unconscious sleep. It is gain. It is a loosing from anchorage so that the soul may go forth on the broad ocean of God’s love. It does not interrupt our conscious fellowship with the Lord. The moment of absence here is the moment of presence there. To die is therefore gain. (F.B. Meyer)