In this post I'm going to expand on the note put in the devotion below this one. This will be the start of making some changes in my way of doing devotions here-there's going to be more personal content used from my own life experiences, and what God's taught me over the years, how I use the word of God in my daily life, and the answers to prayer over the years, that has increased my faith, and helped me in this journey of life. In this one, I'll bring out some points that are relevant to my way of dealing with ongoing incidents, and warfare that goes on here on the internet.
It didn't take long after I started this website, that I learned many times people with their own ministries, and other websites were coming here, seeing the work done here and going back to their own sites and stealing my inspiration and my work, for their own benefit. It goes on now, and I continue to see it, I've spoken up about it a few times, to let everybody know, I'm aware of what they are doing, I'm not stupid. |
Those of you who do this don't seem to have any problem copying, and stealing somebody else's work, and some of you are in high places. Some copy my inspiration, and work, and even my personal life-to insult, condemn, and mock me. Again, I'm not stupid. Much of it, really shows what kind of people you really are, and I take that into consideration.
Over the years, I've taken this problem to the Lord, and asked for His guidance and help to deal with it in a way that honors him. I admit, I have to work at it; my temperament and personality is one that has little patience for liars, and hypocrites. Yes, I recognize there's hypocrisy in myself-and I take this into account, and it gives me conviction and a reason to extend mercy to these people, as God extends mercy to me. But, it doesn't excuse the conduct. Conviction of the Holy Spirit is used by God, to bring the person to repentance, and turning from the sin. But, many excuse themselves, and justify their actions, and harden their hearts to the Holy Spirit dealing with them. Letting God root out sin from our lives, and bring us into true righteousness, is an ongoing choice. We have the freedom to ignore, and reject the dealings of God in our lives. Many, even in ministry do this; their hearts are hardened to the point, that they do not allow God's promptings or corrections any longer, and they stay away from scriptures that would prick their hearts, and show them their need to change. There's a lot of people with big ministries, that fit this category. It's useless to say anything to them, they will not listen to anyone who they feel is beneath them, and they won't allow the word of God to speak to them-they've learned all the tricks of how to twist the scriptures to say anything they want it to say, instead of believing it exactly for what it says. Money and profit has a lot to do with their conduct as well, and some of them flaunt it right in your face, but, you still keep giving to them-you can live with the consequences; but not me. The reasons I'm in this ministry is too costly to allow my heart to be corrupted by greed, and idolatry. I remind myself all the time, one day I'll stand before the Lord Jesus and answer for everything I've done-this works to keep me checking my heart, and keeps this corruption from creeping in.
In the realm of intercession, and prayer-the most important topics, and answers I'm praying for on a regional and national level, have nothing to do with personal profit. This is the realm of spiritual warfare, that many do not know anything about, and don't touch. But, if you've got problems with greed, idolatry of any kind, or allowing deceptions of witchcraft, sorcery, and twisting the scriptures-you will never see answers to the deep issues of intercession that God puts on serious believer's who he calls to this work-you'll never even know what He's talking about. A final point I'll also add-God isn't the least impressed by those with permanent smiles on their faces. He's looking for honesty, in every are of our lives, think about it.
My approach to this ongoing problem here on the internet is one I will stay with as long as the Lord wants me to keep doing this. It's simple, direct, and I examine myself and go to God about it regularly, to check my own heart, and soul-and remain in right relationship with Him, so my work is not blocked by sin, or the devil's interventions.
Over the years, I've taken this problem to the Lord, and asked for His guidance and help to deal with it in a way that honors him. I admit, I have to work at it; my temperament and personality is one that has little patience for liars, and hypocrites. Yes, I recognize there's hypocrisy in myself-and I take this into account, and it gives me conviction and a reason to extend mercy to these people, as God extends mercy to me. But, it doesn't excuse the conduct. Conviction of the Holy Spirit is used by God, to bring the person to repentance, and turning from the sin. But, many excuse themselves, and justify their actions, and harden their hearts to the Holy Spirit dealing with them. Letting God root out sin from our lives, and bring us into true righteousness, is an ongoing choice. We have the freedom to ignore, and reject the dealings of God in our lives. Many, even in ministry do this; their hearts are hardened to the point, that they do not allow God's promptings or corrections any longer, and they stay away from scriptures that would prick their hearts, and show them their need to change. There's a lot of people with big ministries, that fit this category. It's useless to say anything to them, they will not listen to anyone who they feel is beneath them, and they won't allow the word of God to speak to them-they've learned all the tricks of how to twist the scriptures to say anything they want it to say, instead of believing it exactly for what it says. Money and profit has a lot to do with their conduct as well, and some of them flaunt it right in your face, but, you still keep giving to them-you can live with the consequences; but not me. The reasons I'm in this ministry is too costly to allow my heart to be corrupted by greed, and idolatry. I remind myself all the time, one day I'll stand before the Lord Jesus and answer for everything I've done-this works to keep me checking my heart, and keeps this corruption from creeping in.
In the realm of intercession, and prayer-the most important topics, and answers I'm praying for on a regional and national level, have nothing to do with personal profit. This is the realm of spiritual warfare, that many do not know anything about, and don't touch. But, if you've got problems with greed, idolatry of any kind, or allowing deceptions of witchcraft, sorcery, and twisting the scriptures-you will never see answers to the deep issues of intercession that God puts on serious believer's who he calls to this work-you'll never even know what He's talking about. A final point I'll also add-God isn't the least impressed by those with permanent smiles on their faces. He's looking for honesty, in every are of our lives, think about it.
My approach to this ongoing problem here on the internet is one I will stay with as long as the Lord wants me to keep doing this. It's simple, direct, and I examine myself and go to God about it regularly, to check my own heart, and soul-and remain in right relationship with Him, so my work is not blocked by sin, or the devil's interventions.
Surrender the Issue-and the Problem to God
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. Rom 12:19-21
These sound like such simple instructions, but, when in the midst of conflict, and ongoing attacks from people and sources in many directions at once-it can prove to be impossible, without the intervention of the Holy Spirit. But, if you want to walk in ongoing fellowship with the Lord, and don't want to open a door for the devil to destroy the work your called to do-you will use these scriptures and take them as an important weapon against the strategies of the devil to cause you to stumble, and destroy you and the work your called to do. This approach benefits any believer in Christ, in their own personal lives. It helps you come to a place of walking in peace, and stability, in a society that's very treacherous to live in today.
Total surrender to the will of God in every situation, and choosing to forgive those who abuse, offend, insult, and attack you is vital to maintain a close walk with Jesus. There is no other way. It doesn't mean you condone or excuse them, you don't have to maintain a relationship with them. You don't have to be a door mat for people. But, you do need to make the clear choice to forgive them, and then go on with your life, and leave them to God. Once in a while the Lord may speak to me to speak out in such a way as to let the individual know-I'm aware of what they are doing, and then leave them to themselves. Jesus' words on this issue are clear, and direct; and wise to be heeded:
Mat 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
Mat 5:45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
Mat 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Again, doing this doesn't mean you have to agree to allow anyone to abuse you either verbally, or physically. Leave them to God, and go on in peace, give them to God in prayer, and then your heart is clean, and your fellowship with the Lord isn't damaged; and this is the most important thing we must cherish-the presence of God in our lives, every day.
This kind of walk with God is one the devil hates the most. someone quick to admit their error to the Lord, seek His mercy, being totally surrendered to the Holy Spirits leading and convictions-willing to be corrected by Him, and free from known sin. This, is standing in victory, and a place of assurance in prayer, that our prayers are heard, and we can expect the answers to come. This is a position in Christ, I won't allow to be damaged. It will work for you, also, if you apply it to your life.
Lorna Couillard.
Total surrender to the will of God in every situation, and choosing to forgive those who abuse, offend, insult, and attack you is vital to maintain a close walk with Jesus. There is no other way. It doesn't mean you condone or excuse them, you don't have to maintain a relationship with them. You don't have to be a door mat for people. But, you do need to make the clear choice to forgive them, and then go on with your life, and leave them to God. Once in a while the Lord may speak to me to speak out in such a way as to let the individual know-I'm aware of what they are doing, and then leave them to themselves. Jesus' words on this issue are clear, and direct; and wise to be heeded:
Mat 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
Mat 5:45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
Mat 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Again, doing this doesn't mean you have to agree to allow anyone to abuse you either verbally, or physically. Leave them to God, and go on in peace, give them to God in prayer, and then your heart is clean, and your fellowship with the Lord isn't damaged; and this is the most important thing we must cherish-the presence of God in our lives, every day.
This kind of walk with God is one the devil hates the most. someone quick to admit their error to the Lord, seek His mercy, being totally surrendered to the Holy Spirits leading and convictions-willing to be corrected by Him, and free from known sin. This, is standing in victory, and a place of assurance in prayer, that our prayers are heard, and we can expect the answers to come. This is a position in Christ, I won't allow to be damaged. It will work for you, also, if you apply it to your life.
Lorna Couillard.