The focus of this site will always include topics concerning care giving and medical information. But, I will also begin to include issues and articles that go into other areas, especially concerning Christian faith and walking it out in the difficult days believer’s face today. Such as dealing with adversity, temptation, failure, staying the course, even when we fall, and being honest about being human; and being a Christian in that humanity.
Life has seasons, and turns in the road in the journey. This blog has come to that place of a turn in the road.
This is a turn I’ve been avoiding, because I know it will take me down paths that will not be comfortable or easy. Walking with Christ is worth anything we go through in this life, but he never said it would be easy. He promised He would be there with us all the way, and strength for that journey. He keeps his promises.
So each time a new post is put here, you never know what it may be about. But, I know that when the Lord moves, and wants something to be done; he has very specific reasons for it, and people he wants to reach because of it. This site is His, and for his glory. May he find this a place He can use to prick hearts, bring conviction, draw to himself, and change lives.
There have been times in my own life that I’ve read something, or heard something that God would use for months, even years, to bring me to a place of changing my mind, my heart, and cause me to walk with Him into a deeper realm. Sometimes the things I’d read would make me angry, because it convicted me, and God was dealing with my heart. We are at war with the flesh, and sometimes it’s quite a battle until we finally surrender. When this happened it was totally an act of God, because the author of the book or testimony I was reading was from someone who I had never met, and who did not know me or ever heard of me.
When Jesus walked the earth, he dealt with every issue we face in life, and his responses to those situations speaks to us of his compassion, mercy, healing power, and power to restore. He never rejected anyone who came to him, but many walked away. He always gives us free choice. Those issues will be brought out also.
As the turn in the road begins here, I hope you will continue to visit and that God will use it to speak to you in some way, inspire, and encourage. That is the goal of this ministry.