First, right at the start, I want to make it clear that this post is for those who have hit bottom, and the end of their own resources to go on in their circumstances; and feel they can't be honest with anyone. Why, because everywhere you look, the TV, movies, propaganda programs on public TV, mega ministries and social arena's everywhere. What they want to see is "Let's party", and no matter what your going through, it's going to be "OK". This comes from a society drugged down, on a buzz from alcohol, and do not want to be exposed to suffering. Much of the mentality today is geared to the "SELF", and people's hearts are as hard as rocks. If you are in this category, you will be better off not reading any further.
Perhaps your a weary caregiver, totally burned out; but love the one your caring for, and don't know where to turn. A veteran who's lost a limb, or multiple limbs, and suffering from PTSD, someone in chronic pain from sickness and disease that's plagued you for years. Perhaps your terminally ill; and don't have much longer on this earth. In the midst of these circumstances, you may be paralyzed, or in emotional or psychological pain.
Perhaps your a widow; I'm talkn' about one who loved her husband; it's been a long time, years, but you still love him. Still hear his voice behind you once in a while calling your name, and you turn around suddenly, your heart beating out of your chest; hoping to see him one more time. But nothing is there. You fall into bed, hug the pillow and soak it with tears. You've learned to keep your mouth shut in the world and play the role of the one who has gotten on with life, all smiles and running to community events; but when your alone reality kicks in. When it comes to keeping up with the house repairs, vehicles, taxes, etc.,.....most of the time there is no "Bob the builder", you are it.
Death may seem a good option. Death will come soon enough for all of us, but let's consider some things together.
King David wrote most of the Psalms. He sang of his great love and devotion to God with beautiful words of praise and worship. When you read them, he takes your spirit right into the throne room of God, and if you close your eyes, you can share the joy and exaltation that David expressed in them. But, he also wrote many that were cries of heartbreak, sorrow, grief, and yes, even anger. Your rarely hear of these from preachers, because they are not popular. But they are in there for our benefit, and learning. When he was being chased by Saul who tried relentlessly to kill him, as well as his own son Absalom. During his lifetime, David did not win every battle, he lost some. But, what did he do? He got on his face and prayed. He asked God to show him why he lost, and what had to be done about it. We are far too quick to just throw up our hands and let the devil have everything. If I fail, I take it to God; and ask for understanding and guidance. We are down here on earth to learn and grow, and learn from our mistakes; even if we live to be 120. Everything we gain and learn here, we will use in heaven some day, I am convinced of this.
When he gave into temptation, and sinned with Bathsheba, what that sin cost him. But, also realize how God forgave him and restored him. (Ps. 51) How his heart was broken when his people spoke against him, and those who slandered him. Some of his prayers against them were hair-raising. It gives me cause to evaluate many of the prayers I've heard today and come to the conclusion that we really need to spend more time in the word of God to know how to pray with power, authority, and confidence against those who oppose us.
Moses didn't want to obey what God called him to do. He tried everything he could to get out of it. When God countered every one of his objections; he finally gave in, but he was reluctant because he knew what he would be facing. I'll let you look up the story in the bible for yourself, it would benefit you greatly.
At one point he said "The people you've told me to lead want to kill me!" There was more than one time he wanted to quit, and leave them all. Put yourself in his shoes, would you have done any better?
God allowed Satan to take everything from Job, and kill his children. Satan wasn't through, he challenged God saying if he allowed Satan to bring sickness to his body, he would curse God to his face. God gave him permission, but said "save his life". So, Job sat in the midst of his suffering, scraping off the boils from his skin, while his three miserable comforters sat at a distance in silence for days. But, when they finally opened their mouth, their counsels were full of evidence of their ignorance and arrogance. His wife came to him and said; "Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die." Job 2:9
Perhaps you can relate to this in your circumstances. I hope you keep reading.
To any onlooker, it appeared that God himself had forsaken Job.
Job's conviction in the middle of this was; Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him. Job 13:15
These were ordinary people like you and I. They knew the heat of the battle, and the consequences of sin, and the rejection and misunderstanding of people, even their own family. They knew about traitors, the judas' in their life, the fake friends, the tale-bearers, slanderers. They knew about getting attacked physically in their body; being wracked with pain.
What did they do?
They cried out to God. They were honest with him in their pain, in their frustration, in their discouragement, and suffering. They didn't cover it up, they didn't put on their best "happyface", and spew out phony rhetoric. They looked up and poured out their complaints, and told God what they needed, and what they were feeling; they let it all hang out. Pun intended.
If you are terminally ill, facing death, and don't have the assurance of eternal life. Just open your mouth, and talk to God. If you are unable to speak, pray in your thoughts; He hears you. Pray to him, and tell him you believe Jesus rose from the dead, that he is alive now, and coming again. Ask the Lord to come into your heart, and forgive your sins, and accept you into His Kingdom. if you do this, and believe it in your heart; you are now a child of God, and when you leave this world, you have a mansion in heaven waiting for you, and an embrace from Jesus; he loves you.
In over 40 yrs. of walking with the Lord, I can tell you when you are this open and honest with Him; you get his attention. He has never failed me, has never told me I was asking too much, or that He was angry with me for being honest. No, just the opposite; at these times I've felt the warmth of His presence, and the solid assurance of His love for me. At times he has directed me to specific scriptures that spoke directly to my problem; giving me wisdom and guidance on what to do, this always increases my faith.
I've felt His embrace deep within, and watched circumstances around me come together for my good; no matter how bad they were. I've seen his hand move mountains in my way over the years, and if there is one thing I know; MY GOD LIVES, AND I BELONG TO HIM. Knowing this, I can endure anything. When you surrender to the Lord to this degree, nothing will move you either.
I'm not sure why, but I will add this small bit of teaching I've learned in a completely different area; I know God has a reason, I hope it ministers to someone who may need this.
When I was raising and training Arabian horses I learned many lessons of great value. But the ones most profound to me were:
1. People will hate you if you win, and hate you if you lose. God taught me to want to do the very best in my training, my appearance, my teaching and showing; for God, and God alone. To keep my focus on giving glory to God, and ignore people. This is very difficult to do; but you must if your going to keep doing it with a right heart.
I will also add; If you are one who has "won" by pushing your opponents to the rail, giving them a "kick" with your inside leg when the judge is looking the other way in order to get the horse to lose it's gait, cutting in front of the horse you are jealous of for the same reason...etc, etc, never really won; and in your heart you know it; and God knows it.
When I was giving riding lessons to kids and taking them to kids events; I stressed to them to keep it honest, keep it clean, learn from the lessons the skills you and your horse need, to get the best ribbon you can. Go home happy in your heart that you had good clean fun, and if the judge thought you truly earned the blue; all the better.
I believe that on Judgment day, many will be surprised to know and realize who the winners and losers truly are in God's eyes, in every arena of life.
2. If I am in a place of leadership, know that there is going to be consequences by those who oppose me; in the showring, and in the public. Rule my spirit, and use self-control; for the glory of God.
3. When a horse is giving me all he/she can, and does not make it to the top; give that horse honor and just treatment. Put the horse to good use in the category it's suited for. God cares about how we take care of our animals. It is a representation of us and our character.
4. When the horse is tired, and showing you it must rest; DO NOT push the animal beyond this point. If you do, mark my words; a bone tired horse will quit on you, in their heart. You may as well quit too, because you will never win again in the ring with him.
5. Know when it's time to stop showing the animal, and don't let pride ruin what you've accomplished.
As a down to earth person who uses every facet of life to apply wisdom to my circumstances, I see these lessons applied in times of great trial in everyday living of value now, as much as I did then.
God wants to mold his people into overcomers. The battle's we face and the scars we acquire are part and parcel of getting there. I'm not giving up now, I've come too far to back out, or turn around now. With God's help, I'll make it to the finish line, and be in that number of overcomers. You will be too, if you just don't quit. Like a poem I read once; "rest if you must, but don't you quit."
No matter what your going through, even though it may seem God has forgotten you, that you are in a mess and your alone; No, No, my friend. On the contrary; He is the nearest to you now. All you have to do is whisper his name. He is right there as close as your breath. Open your mouth and give him all that's in your heart. He's waiting, and listening.
It's my prayer that the carousel below will also minister to you in some way, and encourage you on your journey.
Lorna Couillard