Most of the time everything was fine, but there were also times of chaos, and crisis. The kitchen looking like a cyclone hit it, because mother had made up her mind she was going to have home-made pie…., diabetes or not, or she may have fallen, and injured herself, or taken off a bandage from her badly wounded foot; because she didn’t think she needed it anymore. Or my husband sitting up in his recliner, where he had been all night, because he was in pain, his heart meds weren’t helping, and at times it was a trip to the V.A., hospital to get him there before a crisis took place, and drinking strong coffee as I drove; already exhausted from being up all night at work. Many caregivers can relate to this scenario. This kind of life went on for me many years, and at times, I had to ask God to help me take the very next step, in order to keep going. As time went on, and their situations worsened, I just went on automatic pilot, I could not face looking at what may happen tomorrow, today was all I could bear.
If you are a caregiver, a nurse, someone responsible for another’s physical care, and are facing burnout, whatever you have to do; take care of yourself. Look for resources in your area that can guide you to find someone to give you respite, take a vacation, get away from the responsibilities and nourish your mind and soul. Talk to the Lord, He knows and understands what your going through. Ask him for His help and wisdom to know how to deal with the responsibilities you have. Talk to friends, and your doctor, you need to.
Some links that may help: The National Alzheimer's Contact Center: a free tool for caregivers available 24hrs a day. Offers free consultation and support by phone and online.