About a year after I began this outreach, it seemed to me that being ordained would be an asset, and bring a greater measure of covering for the ministry. So, I sought ordination under the National Association of Christian Ministers (NACM), and was ordained and Two Sparrows was chartered under them as well.
I began to build blogsites on the internet, to extend the ministries outreach. It proved to be a monumental task, with many obstacles, and hindrances. It takes many hours, learned skills, and patience to build one, and keep it operating. The first one I made was hacked, and is now considered a “dead” site because I cannot even get into it to delete it. It sits in cyberspace, with no ability to do anything to it. I contacted Google, and they cannot even delete it…..I gave up. I moved on, and created this one, hoping it will stay usable, and then created the Facebook page to extend it further.
However, shortly after getting on Facebook, I started getting contacted by several large ministries, trying to get me to either get connected to them to work for them, or other ministries they had gotten involved in, and most importantly; they wanted my financial support. If I spoke their names; everyone would know them. I showed some of the emails to my brother, he has seen them and knows what’s happened. I also got emails from TV “prophets”, telling me that if I didn’t do what these TV evangelists wanted, I’d be out of the will of God. When I went the Lord about it, I got an entirely different answer.
Every time I turned down one of them, it cost me, in more ways than one. Believe me, if you do not endorse them, support them, and give them money, they will attack you, and do it publicly. I do give, but where is none of their business. It is also very clear that they never want any public association with you, unless it’s going to benefit them somehow. Otherwise, they will never acknowledge they know you. I do not want or need their acknowledgment, but neither do I need the trouble they bring. I am not on a mission to expose troublemakers; if I was, I would name names. But, I’m not weak kneed either. I have made replies to some of the attacks on Facebook.
NACM has taken the stand that anyone associated with them should not confront them, or speak up in defense. I disagree. I hold that freedom of speech, and exposing wrong is part of the biblical precepts of preaching the word of God. I do not intend to attack anyone, but if there is false accusation, or teaching I see as false, I will speak up about it.
Paul had to defend himself, at times it is necessary. I believe the word of God gives me the freedom to express opposition, when it is clear that I must. I will not allow any organization, denomination, or society to censor me from being able to speak openly.
2ti 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
2ti 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
2ti 4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 2ti 4:5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
Anyone is totally free to disagree with teachings or stands I take, but I will not back down, and will speak whenever I feel it is necessary.
So, as a result of this difference of opinion, and conviction; I have separated from NACM, and this outreach ministry now stands on the statement of faith posted in the “Statement of Faith” page on my website.
Whatever happens now is in the Lord God’s hands. It has been His inspiration from the beginning, so I will continue on and keep seeking His guidance. My focus is on what He wants for this ministry.
To those who come here regularly, please feel free to stay or go; as you feel led. If you see the Lord Jesus Christ lifted up here, and the presence of the Holy Spirit, I hope you will continue to visit, and find something to bless you from the Lord. My blessings to all no matter what you decide.
Lorna Couillard