While there several people in different vehicles stopped also, and I watched them get out, sadly to smoke; and some foolishly blowing huge puffs of smoke in the air. As I watched them, memories of years of watching my own family members slowly killing themselves went through my mind. The sadness grew, because I knew if I tried to warn these people in front of me; they wouldn't listen or care.
I also thought as I watched these people, that only God knows what kind of future suffering they were inflicting on themselves in ignorance, and yes, I will say it; arrogant rebellion. The people in my family who are now dead from smoking related diseases may have an effect, if they could come back and talk to them. But, the dead never come back to warn those who are killing themselves willingly the same way. Another sad reality is the influence you are giving, and what it's teaching kids in a family.
My father died of lung cancer, after many years of suffering, cancer surgeries, losing his left lung, and finally dying slowly after the cancer went through his body. My mother also smoked, developed diabetes and also suffered many years, lost circulation in her legs, and ended up having part of her foot amputated, she also died from the effects of smoking; and never quit. My husband suffered his first heart attack at 36, from smoking, drinking and poor diet. He lived the rest of his life on many medications, and his heart was permanently damaged. Many years of suffering kept him going to the Veterans hospital for treatments, and regular care. Doctor's were unable to persuade him to change his habits, nor was I. He lived out the consequences. When people do these things to themselves, they aren't the only ones who suffer. The family members are carried along in it with them, whether they want to or not. If you love them you will stay with them and go through it, but the road can be very hard, and at times you may want to just leave them to their fate. God gives the strength in these times, when ours is gone.
I'm not relaying this for my benefit, or sympathy. I don't need it. I'm telling this because I know from my own personal experiences, and from working for many years with elders that had family who went through the same kind of problems, that there's a lot of people going through similar troubles, in silence. The world does not want to hear or see this kind of reality; that's why there's nursing homes, hospitals and cancer wards.
If this gets one person to think about what their doing, and make the decision to quit, or never take that first cigarette, it's worth it. Care enough about yourself to make the change. Don't let smoking keep you in bondage, and kill you in the end.
1Co 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
1Co 6:20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.