Bad relationships with ungodly people- If we continue to allow shallow people who live in sin to be in our company for long periods; they will affect our lives. Our decisions are affected, and the depth of our obediance to the Lord. Sometimes we have to make up our minds to keep some people at arms length in order to maintain our closeness to the Lord. We can have as close a relationship with Him as we really want; it is a choice. 11thess. 3:7-14, 1Cor. 5:9-11-13,
Unrepentant Sin Kills Anointing- When someone is in a sin, there may be an outward show of holiness, but there will be a shallowness, and a lack of conviction for the Word of God in their life. One of the signs of this is someone who does not emphasize the importance of salvation in Christ; and His shed blood as our covering from sin. Someone who is in sin will avoid these topics. Compromize will also be evident. Saul is a good example of this. Jealousy, envy, pride drives the Holy Spirit away.
Lack of integrity; dishonesty-God watches our daily walk, how we treat people, if we are honest in our dealings and business, in our work. It affects our walk with Him.
Holiness- Holiness is an acquired desire. Our flesh naturally resists it. We have many a battle with the flesh for the things it desires. But, over time; walking in prayer, and seeking God's face; and experiencing His presence at deeper levels causes you to desire Him more than anything else. His presence is worth anything we may struggle with to let go of. I can testify to this.
There is nothing more important in life than to be at peace with God, and man. Walking in the peace and love of Christ brings us in proper balance and our life becomes worth living.
As we pursue His presence, and seek His will for our lives; He gives us purpose, establishes our souls, and stableizes our hearts.
Lorna Couillard
Heb 12:14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: