I'm not going to give lengthy scripture references about watchmen here, anyone who reads this and has an interest, can easily find many verses throughout the bible. I'll just suggest Ezekiel, and the cross references on the subject, then go from there.
In the last 40 yrs., I've watched and added my intercessions with many other's concerning the rise of Israel, it's development, it's enemies, and those who stand as her watchmen and defenders. The fulfillment of biblical prophecies are being played out in front of our eyes, and reveals the hand of God at work, and His relentless pursuit of the land and the people He has called by His name. No one with any biblical knowledge can dispute this, unless they are willfully deceived; sadly I have listened to some who fit this category. I've also listened to prominent Christians on their platforms of news media, You tube channels, etc., who call out all Zionists as being in error, saying we are following a false ideology and are deceived. That Israel is totally lead and run by a corrupt infrastructure, and we who stand for the country are being led around like rats by a pied piper, and can't see what is really going on.
My response to this is that these people need to take the time to get back into their bibles, and do some in-depth studying about what God says about that land, the promises He made to them, and what he has said he will do with Israel, from the front of the bible-to the end. I don't care how much corruption is going on, who is working to destroy Israel, how much sin is rampant there, (look around, it is the same everywhere; Satan is the god of this world right now), or how dark and blind the Jews still are. According to Paul in Romans, God has not forsaken Israel, the Jews, or His covenant with them-in the end, the Jews will know their Messiah, and will be saved. It can't be any clearer than that. You either have to believe what God says in His own word, or throw out the entire thing. I've made up my mind to believe what the Word of God says on this matter; I'll leave the Israel bashers to make their own choices.
I've also heard disparaging remarks about Benjamin Netanyahu, from every area, and from Christians. God laid him on my heart, to be especially attentive in standing for him in prayer many years ago, long before he was the leader of Israel. In 2007, the Holy Spirit spoke through me in a prophetic message, during a Sunday service; that he would again be the Prime Minister of Israel, two years before it happened. Whatever his imperfections may be, God has placed him in that office, and is using him for His purposes. He has appointed some (I am one), to watch over him in prayer for God's direction and protection. For those who choose to continue to criticize and stand as his enemy; I pray you will take your accusations and attitudes to God and ask him for HIS thoughts on this man.
In reality, the Church and Israel both have failed God. Like Israel, the Church has created and spewed their man made doctrines, and traditions created; but have left the faith of the first apostle's doctrine, and don't teach the gospel as it is presented in the scriptures. The Great Commission given by Jesus after His resurrection is not present in most churches today. Most of today's version of Christianity can be added in Paul's speech in Acts chapter 17, when he stood on Mars hill. Most worship a god, but not the God of the bible.
Act 17:22 Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious.
Act 17:23 For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.
God has a remnant in the Body of Christ, and Israel. He is working to bring about the return of Christ as He moves and directs those that are His, in both camps. These are the ones who have their eyes and ears tuned to the few sources of true information that can be found, they can use to work and pray effectively for the kingdom, and at the same time keeping their focus on getting guidance and direction from the Throne of God, to get their marching orders. These are critical, and crucial days; there are great conflicts waging in the heavenlies, and there is much at stake. The most costly are the souls of men, that Christ died for.
As for the signs of the times, look around, they are all around us. Open the bible to Matthew chapter 24, and study it. We are seeing the events unfold everywhere. I don't know if Jesus will come before I leave this world, but He could. The most important thing anybody can do, is be ready. Get right with God and stay that way. No catastrophe, or death holds any fear to the one who is right with the Lord, and ready for anything.
I post articles, videos, and information on my Facebook page, and here at times, to wake people up, and bring awareness to those who live in apathy and those who don't want to hear anything negative. Why? Because on the day of Judgment, no one will be able to point to me and say "She knew all this was coming, she knew what was happening, and said nothing." No, I'm crying it from the housetop now, sending the information out to anybody who comes here and sees the stuff I post, and once you read it; your responsible for what you do with it. I've liberated my soul.
Environment for Intercession
In order to be of greatest use to God in the area of prayer it's important to follow a pattern to cultivate an environment of welcome for the Holy Spirit, and be watchful of the condition of our spirits and souls. There are some things I've learned over the years that may be of use to those drawn to a life of prayer.
One of the most valuable things in the life of the Christian is to come to the end of the day knowing we are at peace, it is in this state that we draw the presence of the Holy Spirit, and opens the door to bring our petitions, needs, and requests to God, and our hearts will know we can talk to him as a friend, and have full assurance that He is listening and the answers will come.
People who are in turmoil, and strife continually, and devising wickedness, will not see answers to prayer, and they will not have any relationship with the Lord. Indeed, their actions show they really don't want to. Psalm 66:18 "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me." Isaiah 48:22 and Is. 57:21 says "There is no peace, saith the Lord to the wicked."
But Psalm 34:14-19 (read) says "Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace and pursue it. The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry."
Throughout the gospels, Jesus speaks of giving us his peace, and his abiding presence. In John 14:13, 14 He says "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you shall ask anything in my name I will do it." This promise directly hinges in our doing what he says further in this chapter, and ch. 15, which we spoke of earlier. Our obedience to Him brings us into the "abiding presence", where we have this open door relationship, and it is here that Jesus calls us "friends".
To bring ourselves into a walk of peace, these steps are needful:
a. Spend some time evaluating your own soul, and be patient with yourself. Let the Holy Spirit minister to you in the areas you may need to change, or where you may need to be healed. He knows better than anyone else what has been done to you, or what you have done to yourself....He is our healer and restorer.
b. Be honest with the Lord and yourself in daily life, and your time of bible study and prayer: this may seem simplistic, but it is the most important thing you need to do to get on the right track in close fellowship with Him. Integrity and honest character is very important. (example: don't make promises you know you won't keep, don't make commitments and then not do them, etc.)
c. Take responsibility for your own mistakes in the past, stop blaming other's for your place in life right now. We have to admit our wrong decisions, actions, and behavior to God and ourselves. When we humble ourselves, it opens the door for God to do the miraculous in us.
d. If other's have wronged us, forgive them. We must forgive in order to receive the Father's forgiveness for ourselves, and establish a place of being able to expect answers to our prayers. Note: Forgiveness does not mean condoning what has been done to us, it means letting it go, and giving it to God. He tells us "vengeance is mine." Forgiveness in simple terms means "No Retaliation".
e. If you've been involved in things such as the occult, witchcraft, séances, pornographic activity of any kind, and if you still have any of these materials in your possession, you need to get rid of them and repent. Also, any object, or monies that you may have gotten unlawfully by stealing.
God will totally forgive any of these things, but we can't play games with the Lord: He knows what we are doing, and if we persist in these activities, we will never see answers to our prayers, or experience the close fellowship of His presence in our lives. I recommend reading Deut. ch. 18:9-14, 1Sam. ch. 28:3,9, Mic. ch. 5:12, Gal. 5:19-21, Joshua ch. 7, ch. 24:14-25, Luke ch. 19:5-10, Acts ch. 19:18-20
NOTE: Desire is the birthplace of prayer- It is a good habit to get into, to look into ourselves once in a while and see what our desires are, and what motivates them. Sometimes we don't see answers to prayers because they are selfish, born from greed, and centered on ourselves. God is not against us having our needs met, or even having nice things. But, do we use these things for the glory of the Lord, and to increase His kingdom, or to just fulfill our own lusts....we need to examine these things in our hearts. James 4:1-4, 1Tim. 6-10
There are times when God says no, and for a good reason. He sees far beyond our understanding in our lives, and knows what is best for us. If the door is closed in regard to a subject, we are better off accepting no for an answer. If we persist and force something to happen, we will regret it, and will realize too late that we should have surrendered our will to the Father's.
We have to believe that God loves us enough to protect us, even from ourselves at times. He wants only the best for us, but he will always stand back and let us make our own free choices. He will never force His will on us, only Satan does this. God leads, Satan pushes.
Satan is also the master of distraction: He will use everything he can, and also people to draw us away from seeking a serious prayer life: because he knows that if we ever come to the place where we begin to tap into the presence, power, love, and start seeing significant answers to prayer, we will be a dangerous force to reckon with.
(Ask the men: What kind of distractions do we come up against when we decide to start a regular prayer time?)
1. the phone rings. 2. someone comes when we are praying 3. we try to be too formal, stiff 4. boredom 5. our minds wander, we don't believe the Lord is really listening......(you can add many more I'm sure)
The saddest reality today in the church of Christ is it's faithlessness in prayer. We are lazy, and do not want to invest the time to learn to come into the abiding presence of Christ, and believe Him for great things. He promises that if we will seek Him with our whole hearts, we will find Him, but this means nothing unless we believe it and act on it.
But, for the ones who have learned to focus their attention in earnest on Him in prayer and have not only seen great answers to prayer; but have found the priceless wonder of being in His great presence that is so heavy at times that you can't speak or stand: this causes us to give up everything in this world and go after Him, because nothing else satisfies anymore.
If anyone is interested in a good study on the deeper walk of prayer, and abiding in Christ one book I'd recommend is "Ruined for the Ordinary" by Joy Dawson
Lorna Couillard